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D8 - Digital Nomad/Remote Worker Residence Visa

The D8 visa – Remote Worker Visa is an alternative path to obtain Portugal Residency for remote workers or freelancers who wish to reside in Portugal on a long-term basis. The 4-month visa entitles the applicant to apply for a resident card in Portugal. 

It is important that the applicant demonstrates the income requirements and provides evidence of his/her financial stability.

​​What is the procedure to apply for the Remote Worker Residence visa?

The application process begins at the Portuguese Consulate/ Embassy in the country of residence or origin.


​​What is the D2 Portugal Visa?

  • The D2 visa is another type of visa aimed at obtaining residence in Portugal for those who are interested in engaging in investment activities in Portugal and thus fostering the Portuguese economy.
    • The applicant may choose either of the 3 types of entrepreneurial investments
    • Build a company in Portugal
      The applicant must incorporate a company in Portugal and register the company at the social security and with the tax authorities.
  • Work as a freelancer
    • The applicant must sign a contract of service with a professional organization to operate a liberal profession and provide evidence of the registration.
  • Invest in a business in Portugal
    • The applicant must demonstrate the financial resources in Portugal and the intention to use the same to invest in operations in the Portuguese territory OR
    • Carry out investment operations in Portugal OR
    • Develop an entrepreneurial project under the terms defined by the order of the government members in charge of internal administration and the economy.

Applying for the D2 visa through the incorporation of a company, which is the most common, will incur associated costs related to the opening of the company and the area of activity. Additionally costs related to social security, corporate income tax, accounting, municipal tax, VAT etc. will be incurred.

For those choosing to invest in Portugal, although no minimum amount of investment is stipulated by the law, it is advisable to demonstrate a capital which corresponds to the type of investment looking to be set up.

What is the procedure to apply for the D2 visa?

The application process begins at the Portuguese Consulate/ Embassy in the country of residence or origin.

Who can apply for the D2 visa?

Any investor, entrepreneurial immigrant, freelancer who is a non-EU/EEA or Swiss citizen may apply for the visa.

What are the benefits of applying for the D2 visa?

  • Applicants can enjoy access to the European markets
  • Have access to government support and incentives
  • Avail of Visa free travel to any one of the Schengen countries.
  • Apply for family reunification (spouse, dependent children and parents)
  • Enjoy Portuguese residency rights including education and healthcare
  • Gain access to the Portuguese Law and Legal System
  • Take advantage of a preferential tax regime - the Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) in -which specific sources of income are exempt of taxation
  • Access to the Portuguese Social security system
  • Qualify for permanent residency or citizenship in Portugal after 5 years
  • Enjoy a much lower cost of living as compared to other European countries

What are the general requirements for obtaining the D2 visa?

The applicant must provide a solid business plan, stating the objectives and outlining the way in which the investment will be used. The plan should prove that it will lead to economic growth and the business will thrive. Besides this, some general requirements are listed below.

  • Obtain a Portuguese Tax Number ( NIF)
  • Open a Portuguese bank account
  • Provide a proof of means of subsistence
  • Provide a proof of accommodation in Portugal through a long-term lease.
  • Obtain a valid travel insurance for the duration as stipulated by the Consulate/ Embassy
  • Have a clean criminal record
  • A self -declaration that the applicant has carried out /will carry out investment operations in Portugal specifying the nature, value duration or the proof of means for carrying out financial operations in Portugal.

​​What is the validity of the visa?

The D2 visa is issued for a period of 4 months with 2 entries.
During this validity, the applicant is required to come to Portugal and apply for the residence permit at the Immigration office (SEF). The residence card will be valid for a period of 2 years and thereafter renewed for a period of 3 years. The minimum stay requirement is that one does not be absent for more than 6 consecutive months or 8 non-consecutive months in any validity period. However, longer absences are allowed if due to professional, cultural or personal reasons

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