Portugal launches AIMA   The new Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum 

03.11.23 11:12 AM By Miguel S. Braga

Beginning on OCT 29th, 2023, AIMA would assume the responsibilities regarding migratory processes within Portugal. The administrative procedures previously handled by SEF (Immigration and Borders Service) will now be in charge of this new institution, which aims to modernize in less than a year, migratory processes for non-citizens.  

The creation of the new agency responds to the government's demand for a new reference on reception, integration, and asylum. AIMA will begin its activities with an overall budget of 81 million euros.

The emerging AIMA has received around 347,000 pending cases from SEF and promises to launch an online portal for applications for the concession and renewal of residence permits by the end of the year. A huge investment in digital infrastructure and human resources would be made to fulfill these goals. 

The launch of AIMA formalizes the separation of police and administrative functions, enabling the implementation of new methods, functionalities, and policies to increase and improve the quality of access to services, enhancing the security of processes and procedures, as well as the trust and credibility of users and society in the system.

Miguel S. Braga